Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Does Collegiate Networking Fit in a Social Networking Environment?

hello everyone:
A very interesting article came out in Wired Campus today. It is about professors that are beginning to set up profiles in Facebook to connect with students. However, there are times where it doesn't seem appropriate to be "poking" a student that is in their class.

And that is why we have developed TAG. It is built for collegiate networks to be built and foster student success keeping key constituencies engaged from the time a student is thinking about attending a university in 8th or 9th grade, until they accept, attend, graduate and start giving back either through gifts of time or money.

This article shows EXACTLY the reason why we have developed TAG for prospective students, current students, alumni, faculty, advisors, business professionals and other key groups to come together in a collegiate environment. We also have our other community "Universe" for international students. I am thrilled as the founder of the company that we are providing a solution that will help professors connect with students...in a comfortable, collegiate environment.

The purpose of this blog is to provide resources and information to the higher education community. And while the intent is not to promote the software and services we offer, I couldn't hold back on this one. The situation described in this article demonstrates a perfect example why TAG is needed in the education space.

Take care,

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